Family affairs finally boiling into the real world where consequences are seen and felt by people hidden behind the tall tower with golden toilets. The ending is good because it is both unexpected and understandable. It is also finally an arc reaching its height and giving the audience some sense of justice and thus, satisfication.
摩拳擦掌来看看比第一季评价更好的第二季是个什么东西真相其实在第一季就知道了一种你听你七大姑八大姨 talking shit behind of their families and friends which I usually white noise them during Thanksgiving dinner 的感觉狗改不了吃屎屎吃了一半“来都来了”这种智商税变种涌上心头占据了理智破罐破摔的烧掉了我7集午饭时间坐上来自己动最后两倍速快进都无法平复时间逝去的愧疚